© 2013 - 2017by Poland Airways. Created by Paweł S.
Regulations of virtual airline Poland Airways §1 Introduction Virtual airline Poland Airways (hereinafter referred to PAW) is an organization est. to connect real and virtual aviation passionats. Airline is managed by Decision-Making Body (hereinafter referred to Staff). Staff is created by Chef-Executive Officer (hereinafter referred to CEO), and helpers chosen by CEO. §2 Requirements and recrutation process. Pilot in PAW can become every person, who: Is 16 years or older Shows immersion and want raise its skills Has good manners and can work in a group Pilot in PAW must: Can make a safe take off and landing Can maintain advised altitude, speed and course Can make a turn to advised waypoint Can make an ILS approach Can read maps correctly Can read weather depeshes (METAR) Recrutation process: Every Candidate, who submitted member application through PAW website is obliged to perform interview with Personal Manager. After positive ending of interview, candidate gets Student title. Every Student is under the care of Training Manager, who is responsiable for explaining statutory procedures in PAW. After basic training (Regulations, SOP, FSAirlines operating) Student gets his first aircraft. Every new Student can only make flights marked as Training for 30 days. After passing theoretical examination, Student gets Pilot title. First Oficer CAN NOT make flights on IVAO/VATSIM with PAW callsign. If Pilot would like to make online flights with PAW callsing, he should report desire to Training Manager, and after passing theoretical examination Pilot gets Flight Captain title which approves to make flights on IVAO/VATSIM with PAW callsign §3 Pilots rights and responsibilities Pilots rights: Every Pilot has right to express their opinion on voice server Every Pilot has right to partake in official vote Every Pilot has right to candidy for Staff position Every pilot has right to submit an application for dismiss one Staff member Every Pilot has right to lodge a complaint about PAW functioning Pilots obligations: Every pilot in PAW must do minimum one flight with PAW callsign on VATSIM/IVAO/FSairlines in a month. Pilot, who did not make minimum during the month, must make up flights in next month Pilot, who did not make minimum in next month, gets INACTIVE title Pilot with title INACTIVE keeps all rigths which he had, except for right to vote and right to make a reservation for flight - provided that he stays in contact with PAW and justify inactivity. When pilot do not make any flights and do not contact with PAW for more than 3 months, Staff is trying to conract with Pilot, after what Staff introduces report and eventually makes vote about removing pilot from PAW. About removing from PAW decides most votes of all pilots entitled to vote INACTIVE pilot regains last title on their's recommendation after make minimum amount of flights in two next months. In case of Pilots with Student title - Before first examination - becoming as INACTIVE is equivalent with removing from PAW To enforcement the above responsiable is CEO, or person appointed by CEO. Every pilot is obligated to making flights with mark more than 90%. In case of flight with less than 90%, Pilot is obligated to report a reason. Every pilot is obligated to keep professionalism and good manners on Mumble, PMs, during flights on IVAO/VATSIM Every pilot is obligated to care about good image of PAW Every pilot is obligated to participate in PAW's life Every pilot is obligated to respect rules in Standard Operation Procedures (SOP) §4 Fleet When condition of aircraft is 90% or less, pilot should immidiate report to repair. Every PAW Pilot has right to submit an application to buy or lease a new airplane. Additionally every Pilot who want to get a special machine (fe. TU154, CONCORDE, C130) is obligated to do minimum amount of flights to refund of costs. Every Pilot has right to take airplane located outside the HUB when: Airplane stays on airport more than 48h After prior arrangement with Pilot who flown by the airplane Airplanes staying in HUB does not apply to this rule Every pilot has right to submit an application for constatnt reservation of airplane only when: Pilot will fly minimum 20h or 10 flights in a month or Pilot will do a voluntary payment in favour of PAW (Domain, server, FSA) Every Pilot is doing flights only by attached airplanes, without owner permission Pilot can not fly by other Pilot's airplane §5 Salary and ranks FSAirlines.net Chief Executive Officer: 20% of airline income Chief Exe. Offic. V-ce.: 19% of airline income Manager ATC: 18% of airline income Manager for the Image: 18% of airline income Manager Marketing: 18% of airline income Manager Personnel: 18% of airline income Manager Support: 18% of airline income Manager Technical: 18% of airline income Manager Training: 18% of airline income Senior Flight Cap.: 17% of airline income Flight Captain: 16% of airline income Pilot: 15% of airline income Student: 5% of airline income Pilots with Student title has right to do flights only marked as Training by narrowbody aircrafts (B737, A320, ATR, DH8D, E70/90) Pilots with First Officer title has right to do all scheduled flights by narrowbody aircrafts (B737, A320, ATR, DH8D, E70/90) Pilots with Pilot / Flight Captain / Senior Flight Captain has right to do all schedlued flights by all aircrafts in fleet (B737, A320, ATR, DH8D, E70/90, B757, B744, B763, A330, A340) §6. Ending Those regulations affect all Pilots and applicants for work in PAW. Ignorance of regulations does not relase of responsibility. Pilots who do not respect aforemetioned rules will be judged by Staff. Author: PAW Staff
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